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Colombia Pastors Trip: July 11-17, 2025       (CLICK IMAGE FOR VIDEO)

Hosted by Rodney Goodlett, KMN Missions Director, and Pastor Joe Girdler, KMN Superintendent

  >> Partnering with veteran AG missionaries Jimmy & Jill Susa <<

WHO CAN GO? Lead/Staff Pastors & Spouses

COST? Approx. $2200

  • $400 deposit due with registration (opens soon)

  • Final payment due in June



"The Gospel is only good news if it gets there in time."

Carl Henry

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Rodney Goodlett

Learn more about our workers with the buttons below!

Since its inception in 1914, the Assemblies of God has had the vision and heart to commit “the Movement to Him for the greatest evangelism that the world has ever seen.” Throughout our existence as a fellowship, we have been devoted to the mission’s strategy to send, evangelize, disciple, and build the indigenous church. All around our globe we have workers with that same heart and DNA to share the message of Hope by giving their lives to Him and His mandate. Though methods and opportunities have evolved from the beginning, our mission is still the same. The Kentucky Ministry Network is committed to raising up individuals, resourcing them, and sending them to accomplish what was birthed in our movement at the beginning.


How will you fulfill His mission? 

Pastors, here are links for some great resources for your monthly Missions Window and Great Commission Sunday or Missions Convention! 


* We have several workers serving in sensitive ministries or countries that are not listed, please carefully edit any communications with them. Thank you.

DAVE & DEBBIE AMSLER are global workers reaching children with the gospel, training leaders, building churches, and touching the needs of kids with compassion projects. The Amslers are directors of One Way Guatemala. They oversee Emergency Food Relief efforts and a Feeding Program in Jalapa to kids living in the city garbage dump. They are working to build a formal school with ChildHope.

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David & Debbie Amsler

Assemblies of God World Missions

Account: 2395192

(SCOTT) GAYTON & AMANDA LITER are developing a degree program for the Bulgarian AG seminary, training global workers from Bulgaria and other nations. They also motivate and equip Bulgarian churches to identify and support these workers. Previously, they served in Bulgaria for 11½ years, ministering to orphans and vulnerable people, working against human trafficking, strengthening indigenous churches, and teaching in Bible schools.

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S. Gayton & Amanda Liter

Assemblies of God World Missions

Account: 2903789

LEAH & JOIL MARBUT: Leah is an Ordained KMN Minister and the daughter of retired KMN missionaries Bill and Connie McDonald. Leah and Joil serve in the jungles of Ecuador to: 1. Establish churches in villages, communities and towns that currently have no church; 2. Train national leaders to pastor and disciple their own people; and 3. Ecuador Hope House was started in 2006, giving girls the opportunity for a thriving future through education, life skills, and eternal hope.

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Leah & Joil Marbut

Assemblies of God World Missions

Account: 2570398

KAITLIN & SETH McDONALD minister and plant churches among the Waorani tribe, in the jungles of Ecuador. Seth is the son of retired KMN missionaries Bill and Connie McDonald; he and Kaitlin met in Alabama and she is a credentialed minister with the KMN. Their goal in serving the Waorani tribe is to reach a hostile, uncontactable tribe called the Taromenani. There has never been a successful contact with the Taromenani that did not result in death. Recent opportunities have led to invitations to plant churches in two villages that have regular contact with the Taromenani. Please pray for open doors.

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Kaitlin & Seth McDonald

Assemblies of God World Missions

Account: 2961035

World Missions

ED & KIM NYE equip and empower global workers with the theological framework and resources necessary to confidently evaluate and wisely navigate risk in alignment with God’s call. They do this through training workers in navigating risky situations, and through direct intervention in a crisis (such as in 2023 in Sudan and Libya). Further, Ed and Kim work globally with the World AG Fellowship and the Pentecostal World Fellowship to do the same with all other AG General Councils and many other Pentecostal fellowships around the world through the WAGF Missions Commission.

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Ed & Kim Nye

Assemblies of God World Missions 

Account #2520807

KENT & PAIGE PARRISH will be starting an English / community center in 2024-25. This will give them a tremendous opportunity to build relationships with young people so that they can share the good news. They are also partnering with a local church located in the interior of Papua to help build an orphanage that will house 48 orphaned and at-risk children. Kent & Paige will also partner with the Assemblies of God of Indonesia to help plant churches.

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Kent and Paige Parrish

Assemblies of God World Missions 

Account #2791275

ANTHONY & VICTORIA SANTIAGO had a non-traditional, arranged marriage (a longer story that we'd love to share with you!). We lived in Brussels, Belgium where we studied at the Continental Theological Seminary and KU Leuven. While studying, Anthony worked on staff at an International Church and Victoria worked for a consulting company. After finishing our bachelors and masters in Brussels, we sensed the call to move to Alicante, Spain to plant Alicante Church. In this church, our aim is to provide biblical teaching, a space for worship, and an international community of faith. Our task in this new church is to follow the indigenous church principles so that the International Church of Alicante is:

  • Self-governing

  • Self-supporting

  • Self-propagating

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Anthony & Victoria Santiago

Assemblies of God World Missions 

Account: 2954196

JIMMY & JILL SUSA have been missionaries since 1985. Due to political and civil unrest in Venezuela, AGWM moved Jimmy and Jill to Colombia. All projects in Venezuela remain active and they keep close contact with their pastoral team and Venezuelan AG executives. Ongoing work in Colombia and Venezuela includes mentoring pastors, compassion ministries and outreaches in schools, adult prisons and youth detention centers.

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Jimmy and Jill Susa

Assemblies of God World Missions 

Account: 221682

DAVID & PATTI THOMAS have served in Ecuador since 1992, as pastor-educators, founding and/or administrating Bible colleges and leading churches. After David completed his doctorate in New Testament studies, their scope widened to include all of Latin America. In 2024, David became Academic Dean of Graduate Studies at the Instituto de Superación Ministerial (AGWM’s oldest and largest ministry training network in Latin America), coordinated with Global University. ISUM-Global trains pastors, Bible college professors, and AG leaders from Mexico and the Caribbean to the farthest reaches of South America, impacting thousands of souls.

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David & Patti Thomas

Assemblies of God World Missions 

Account: 2516862

DAVID & EMILY TREMENTOZZI: David serves as Dean of Graduate Studies and a professor of theology at Continental Theological Seminary, raising up Spirit-empowered pastors and church leaders in a highly secularized Europe. Emily works with Breaking Chains Network, a ministry to those who are trapped in lifestyles of prostitution. From the ministry’s Oasis Center, they do weekly outreaches with Bible studies, family style dinners, classes, and connections to social services. The Oasis also functions as a coffee bar during the week, providing jobs and a fresh start for individuals wanting to leave prostitution.

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David & Emily Trementozzi

Assemblies of God World Missions

Account #2518108

STEVE & DEANNE TURLEY began their missionary service in 1991 with International Media Ministries in Brussels. In 1999 they co-launched Students for Christ Belgium (the equivalent of AGUSM’s Chi Alpha). The Turleys continue to coach and mentor through SFC. From 2018-2022, the served in Zagreb, Croatia. Today Steve is AGWM’s U.S. Relations Team Lead, connecting with AG pastors and network leaders to foster a missions DNA throughout the AG. Deanne coordinates the Missiological Resources team, which provides print and online resources for the missionary body and US churches. She also serves on the Missionary Associate onboarding team for the Europe Region.

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Steve & Deanne Turley

Assemblies of God World Missions 

Account #2914372​


RACHEL (Girdler) CRUCETA, MSW, began with AGWM in 2019 and served her first term in Sucúa, Ecuador. In the fall of 2022, she transitioned to International Ministries’ Protect Me Project to work on the prevention of commercial sexual orientation in countries of origin. Daniel received his M.D. in the Dominican Republic and is completing a US medical residency in Internal Medicine in Long Island, NY. In March 2024, Daniel and Rachel married and he joined the PMP team. They’re excited to continue working with PMP’s volunteers across 13+ countries of Latin America.

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Rachel & Daniel Cruceta

Assemblies of God World Missions

Account #2983757

JAMES ISKRA: In Wales, James worked weekly in the food bank and children’s ministry. He was also a youth leader and Associate Pastor at Peniel Pentecostal Church, teaching Bible studies and preaching. His passion is for new believers to grow in their relationship with God through one-on-one discipleship. God has now directed James to serve with a church planting team in Liverpool, England as a Living Free facilitator.

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James Iskra

Assemblies of God World Missions

Account #2616647

NATALIE LEWIS works with the Agape ICA in Taipei, Taiwan as well as The Cup Coffee House owned by  Agape. She helps run the English conversation clubs out of The Cup as a way to build connections and minster to the local community. Within the international church, Natalie assists in leading the young adult ministry as well as university student ministry.

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Natalie Lewis

Assemblies of God World Missions

Account #29A7999

JOSH & ERIC McCOIN were called to Japan in 2014 and have a strong burden for the 99% of Japanese people who do not know Christ. They also feel a specific burden for the youth of Japan. Their vision is for God's hope, love, and salvation be brought to and embraced by the youth of Japan. They plan on concentrating on sharing the gospel to the people of Japan through youth ministry, media ministry, and creating outreach ministries to local orphanages and schools in Tokyo, Japan.

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Josh and Erin McCoin 

Assemblies of God World Missions

Account #2973907


US Missions

Jerry and Tunya Adams

Living Free

Account #2036630




Clayton and Beth Arp

Vice President Living Free 

Account #2243574


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Fabian & Rebekah Sanchez

Kentucky Hispanic Initiative

US Missions Acct: 289113​

Morris & Maria Wood

Lumbee River Community College

US Missions Acct: 2342293


KMN Missions
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Ronnie Hoover, KMN Chi Alpha Director


Chi Alpha Ministries are reconciling students to Christ—transforming the University, the Marketplace and the World. Ronnie brings health to KMN Chi Alpha Missionaries to reach the Future Leaders of the world, to reach students, who would never simply attend church alone, to reach International Students who return to countries we cannot place Global Workers in and to salvage the investment of our local church’s youth who attend secular universities.

Ronnie Hoover

KMN Chi Alpha Director

US Missions Acct: 2181873

Eastern Kentucky University Chi Alpha & Berea Chi Alpha


Chi Alpha is a community of believers dedicated to equipping students with real, transforming faith.  We do this through living a lifestyle of worship and honor to God, and so we meet in both small faith groups called "Connect" groups and large whole group services which we call "Converge" services.  In these meetings we have time for worship, discussion, and teaching centered around living out a life of faith in Christ.  We believe in a life empowered by the Holy Spirit to be God's witnesses and we do this in multiple ways.  


We believe the church is God's declaration of His kingdom coming to Earth and so we live this out through various outreach opportunities in our community; striving to serve the real needs of people.  We also strive to see every moment as an opportunity to introduce people to the most amazing thing that has ever happened to us: Jesus Christ.  In that our lives, our actions, and our relationships should all point to the one who saved us proclaiming the Kingdom of God until He comes.  If you would like more information about anything you have read, check us out at our website, our Facebook page of the same name, orcontact Pastor Ben through email.  We would love to have you come be a part of what God is doing at Eastern Kentucky University and Berea College.

Ben & Deanna Burnett

EKU Chi Alpha & Berea College Chi Alpha


RACHEL & ANTHONY MULLINS are ordained AG ministers and nationally appointed US missionaries with Chi Alpha. They have been serving as the lead directors at Morehead State University since 2012. They are passionate about empowering students in their faith, advancing women in lead ministry roles, embracing students from all cultures, and modeling a spirit-filled walk with Christ. They make disciples who make disciples!

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Rachel & Anthony Mullins

Chi Alpha, Morehead State University

​US Missions Acct: 2763456



(606) 748-3113​



The national chaplaincy department has requested that the district not publish a list of the chaplains due to the nature of their ministry on military bases and detention centers. We have several men and women currently serving on police & fire departments, detention centers, and military bases.



Office Address:


7206 Clore Lane

Crestwood, KY 40014


Mailing Address:


P.O. Box 98

Crestwood, KY 40014


Contact Us:

Phone: (502) 241-7111


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© 2023 by Kentucky Ministry Network

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